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How to Speed Up Your Chromebook

When you first cracked the box for your Chromebook, it was new and snappy. But over time, it7;s gotten sluggish and frustrating. If you7;re looking to get more pep out of your Chromebook, here are some things you can do.

Why Do Chromebooks Slow Down Over Time?

Chromebooks have many benefits, but being immune to the inevitable slowdown most devices experience is unfortunately not one of them. Just like every other piece of tech, things are going to get gummed up and start to run more slowly as time goes on.

This can be caused by a number of reasons, and while Chromebooks experience fewer of these issues than something like a Windows machine, it still happens. This comes with general use, but there are things that gunk the system up faster:

  • Extensions: If you love to browse the Chrome Web Store for new extensions, you7;re probably not doing the system any favors. The more extensions you have installed, the more things that are running in the background.
  • Apps: This goes hand-in-hand with extensions. The more stuff you have installed, the more things will be eating up system resources.
  • Downloads and Locally-Stored Files: Chromebooks typically have pretty limited storage, so the more things that are downloaded and stored locally, the slower the system will become as it gets close to capacity.
  • The Web is Just Getting Heavier: This one is completely out of your control, but it7;s an inevitable fact. The web is growing and getting more powerful, which means that the system has to work harder just to render pages. The older your Chromebook gets, the more of a problem this can be2;especially on lower-end hardware.

So really, it7;s just like anything else. The more you use it, the slower it can become. The good news is that there are plenty of things you can to do keep your Chromebook running smoothly.

Use the Task Manager to Pinpoint Potential Performance Issues

Much like a Windows computer, Chrome OS has a built-in task manager. It offers a glimpse of what your system is current doing, especially in the moment. If you7;re having sudden system issues, this is the best place to start.

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